TUI Swimming Teachers
Name: Carly Gates
Job Title: Swim Coach/Holiday Village Delivery Manager
1. How did you first come to be a swimming teacher and what appealed to you about the job? And what jobs have you done before?
My passion for teaching came when I started my work placement within a Primary School when I was in Sixth Form. I always enjoyed helping other people learn and progress and knew this was a career I wanted to pursue.
Before I started this job role, I was working in my local leisure centre as a Lifeguard and working in a supermarket. I first came to be a swimming teacher during my first year at University where I was studying Sports Coaching. I had always had a passion for Coaching and Teaching and I knew this would be a step I needed in order to do the job I wanted to do.
What appealed to me about the job was the different experiences and knowledge you gain working with different teams each year. Each year is different, and no day is the same. Having the ability to not only teach swim but also getting involved in various other activities and being part of a big team really stood out for me.
2. Where has swimming teaching taken you? What countries have you been able to work in and what was your favourite experience?
Swimming Teaching has taken me many destinations that I believe, without doing this job, I would never have been able to see. I first started my career with TUI working as a Swim Coach in Holiday Village Ibiza and the journey started from there. Within my career as a Swim Coach for TUI I have been lucky enough to work in some beautiful destinations such as Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus and Spain.
My favourite experience would have to be teaching in beautiful Holiday Village Cyprus. Cyprus was a destination I had never thought about visiting and as soon as I got there in 2021, I knew that it would be a place I pretty much call home. After working in several other hotels and destinations before this, this is where I felt I was able to bring all my experience and knowledge to life when I was promoted as Academies Team Leader. Within this role, I looked over the Swim and Football Academy alongside working as a Swim Coach. I enjoyed having the extra responsibilities to help others progress and grow and pass on my knowledge and passion to new to role coaches.
Another one of my favourite experiences was during my first season when I first noticed the significant improvement a child made within a short number of sessions. The child went from not being able to put their face into the water to swimming 5 meters unaided and that for me, was such a proud moment and the feedback and amazement from the parents just blew me away, which is what instantly made me know I wanted to continue working for TUI.
3. What are the best things about teaching people to swim?
One of the best things about teaching people to swim is seeing them progress and improve, no matter if they are a complete beginner or simply looking for way to help build their technique. It is such a rewarding feeling to know that you have helped these people in this way, especially as it is a life skill.
The feeling you get when you see someone go from zero confidence to being able to get into the water and swim is second to none. You can really see what this means to both the individual and it does really give you the great feeling inside.
It really is a job that makes you feel like you’ve accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and nothing can beat that feeling.
Being able to help families create those everlasting memories on holiday and knowing you have been part of that journey is amazing.
4. Would you recommend the career to others and why?
I would absolutely recommend this career to anyone who wants to experience teaching overseas. The possibilities within TUI are endless and the memories you create are forever.
Bring able to do a job you are passionate about and love, all while learning so much about new cultures and being in beautiful destinations is honestly one of the most thrilling and exciting things you can do.
Every season impacts you in such a positive way, knowing that you have been able to help so many people is various different ways. As no day is the same with this job role! One day you can been teaching a group of children aged 3+ and another day, you can be teaching an adult who may never have had the ability to have a swimming lesson before. Everything you do for these people makes you realise, what a rewarding job you do and the smile it leaves on both you and the individual is amazing.
This job has not only enabled me to progress within my career but also as a person. Throughout my time with TUI I have been able to work with some fantastic people who have made my seasons so memorable and have made friends for life.
My progression within TUI has also been a highlight of my career as I have been able to grow in my leadership roles, by being promoted to Academies Team Leader and now working as a Holiday Village Delivery Manager. The knowledge and experience I have gained throughout my time as a Swim Coach has enabled me to be where I am today and I would never have been able to do this without taking that big step back in 2018.
For anyone thinking about applying for this job role, I would say go for it! It really is one of the best jobs in the world and maybe, I’ll see you somewhere one day!
Apply: https://karriarguiden.se/sv/jobb/tui-swim-coach-work-abroad-s25

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